

「なぜ犬の寿命は人間よりも短いのだろう?」 大親友だった愛犬がこの世を去った時、少年が語った感動の答え。


A Dog’s Purpose (from a 6-year old) | Vetwest Animal Hospitals

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolf hound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shan...

Vetwest Animal Hospitalsのサイトに元記事? がありました。


The original page of this article of karapaia.com was missing, but there was something that seemed to be the original article on the site of Vetwest Animal Hospitals.

P.S. Sat, 20 October 2018

The above picture is a dog which is currently at home. The two pictures below are dogs who died a few years ago.
The dog who died a few years ago is also very cute. Very memorable in many ways.
I know what is impossible, but I imagine sometimes that if both dogs are at home, I can spend the best possible days without any more. I am going in my mind.